. . . then he took Him into his arms, and blessed God, and said,“Now Lord, You are releasing Your bond-servant to depart in peace, According to Your word; For my eyes have seen Your salvation, Which You have prepared in the presence of all peoples, A Light of revelation to the Gentiles, And the glory of Your people Israel.”And His father and mother were amazed at the things which were being said about Him. And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary His mother, “Behold, this Child is appointed for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and for a sign to be opposed—and a sword will pierce even your own soul—to the end that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed.” (Luke 2:28-35, NASB)
This is the story of Simeon, documented by Dr. Luke. Simeon lived in Jerusalem. He had been told by the Holy Spirit that he would meet the Messiah before he died. He’s described by Luke as “righteous and devout.” One day he went to the Temple, “in the Spirit.” And that’s where he met Jesus!
When Jesus was eight days old, His parents, Joseph and Mary, took Him to the Temple. In accordance with the Law of Moses, they were to present Him to the priests for circumcision, to have Him dedicated, and to offer a sacrifice. Joseph and Mary were devout and loved the Lord, which is probably why He chose them to raise His Son.
Simeon saw the Baby, and knew this was the Child of Promise, the Messiah for Whom he had waited so long. He was so excited, he took the Baby in his arms.
Luke documents the subsequent Song of Simeon, in which he praises God; he says he can now die happily, as God’s promise to him has been fulfilled; and declares that God’s salvation would be for Gentiles and Israel alike.
Simeon predicts to Mary that the Child would bring about the rise and downfall of many. Indeed, Jesus would shake up the religious order of the day, and for all time to come. Jesus said He came to call sinners, and not the self-righteous. Simeon also tells Mary that her heart would be broken, later fulfilled at Jesus’ crucifixion. Luke says that Joseph and Mary “were amazed” by the things Simeon was telling them. It had been quite a week. First, the visit from the shepherds, and the things they told the couple, and now this!
Simeon was thrilled at his encounter with Jesus. Have you met Him yet?
The kids wanted to play ring toss with me. Since I can’t toss the rings, I got to play goalie!