Give Thanks

O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting.  (1 Chronicles 16:34, NASB)

King David brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, and pitched a tent for it on Mount Moriah, the site of the future Temple.  God had denied David’s request to build a temple for Him, since he was a man of war.  Instead, God told David that the honor of building the Temple would go to his son, Solomon.  David did the next-best thing, in his mind, bringing the Ark to Jerusalem, to its temporary home.  First Chronicles 16 documents the celebration that followed, and a psalm of thanksgiving.  Many of the words from this psalm are repeated in Psalms 107 and 118. 

Bible Verse of the Day - day 327 - image 67903 (1 Chronicles 16:34)
1 Chronicles 16:34 image.  Found at,

On this day of national Thanksgiving, I have much for which to thankful.  I thank God for sending His Son to die in my place for the sins I’ve committed; for sending His Holy Spirit, Who is my Teacher and Helper; for my most precious earthly gift, my wife, Sue, who loves me, and takes outstanding care of me; for our precious gifts, three wonderful children, their spouses, and 12 precious grandchildren; for giving me a loving family as I grew up, and great in-laws when I married Sue; and being born in the greatest nation in history, this God-blessed land!  I’ve lived a great life.  God has blessed me far beyond measure, and certainly way beyond what I deserve!  And I have the hope of eternal life after my years on this earth!

I’m grateful for you!

Worship:  “Give Thanks to the Lord (for He Is Good),” by Francesca LaRosa