
Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”  (Genesis 1:26, NASB)

After God created the heavens and the earth; after He said “Let there be light”; after He separated the waters from the dry land; after He made plants and vegetation; after the stars in the heavens; the sun and the moon; fish and birds; after He made beasts and creeping things on land; then He created man in His [Our] image.  There are a couple of references to plural nouns when God speaks in this verse (“Us,” “Our”).  Christian Bible scholars agree that this is a reference to the other members of the Trinity.  Jesus was present at the creation (John 1:3) as was the Holy Spirit (Genesis 1:2). 

let us make man in our image Genesis 1:26

Genesis 1:26 image.  Found at Redeeming God,

I was made in the image of God.  You were made in the image of God.  Every person you see today, tomorrow, and every day to follow, will be an image-bearer of God.  Does that knowledge inform how you treat those people?  What about the guy you made fun of behind his back, or the woman you insulted?  Is that any way to treat someone made in the image of God like yourself?  Does this understanding help you to execute what Jesus called the second greatest commandment, to “love your neighbor as yourself?”

Worship:  “Image of God,” by We Are Messengers

ALS update:  April marks the four-year anniversary of my diagnosis of ALS.  My outstanding neurologist, Dr. Andrew Galbraith, informed us a few months back that I’m in the advanced stages of the disease.  He said that doesn’t speak of longevity, but of capabilities lost and those remaining.  As one of my mentors, Ann Abel says, “I’m in pretty good shape for the shape I’m in!”  My vital signs are consistently good (I was told by one nurse that I have the blood pressure of a teenager.  That might be one sick teenager, but it’s a teenager nonetheless!).  I had blood work done recently, and it was all good by the grace of God!  Of course, my days are numbered already by the Creator Himself.  I show up on the days when I wake up “present for duty.”  The Lord will take me when He decides it’s time. 

Of course, I owe a debt of gratitude not only to God, but to my Sue.  She’s my wife/nurse/physical therapist/respiratory therapist/best friend.  She takes great care of me.  What she does is difficult physically, mentally, and emotionally, but she makes it all look easy.  So with Sue’s help, and God willing, I’ll be here to see the fifth anniversary!