
And Joseph awoke from his sleep and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him, and took Mary as his wife, but kept her a virgin until she gave birth to a Son; and he called His name Jesus.  (Matthew 1:24-25,NASB)

We know very little about Joseph, the earthly, legal father of Jesus.  The Bible teaches us that Joseph’s father was named Jacob, and that Joseph was the husband of Mary (Matthew 1:16); that Joseph was a righteous man (v. 19); he was obedient to God’s commands (vv. 24-25); he was a descendant of King David (Luke 2:4); and Joseph was a carpenter (Matthew 13:55). 

In the passage above, Joseph had found his fiance with Child, and was pondering divorce.  An angel of the Lord visited Joseph in a dream, and told him to marry Mary, who was pregnant with the Son of God.  Joseph was obedient to God’s command.  

“With a Father’s Heart,” found at Opus Dei,

We all know that Joseph took his wife to Bethlehem to take part in the census proclaimed by Caesar Augustus, and that Mary gave birth to Jesus there.  All indications are that Joseph was “a righteous man,” which was why God chose him to raise His Son.  Jesus grew up in a devout Jewish home, which was God’s plan.  Jesus was an obedient son to Mary and Joseph:  “. . . and He continued in subjection to them; and His mother treasured all these things in her heart.”  (Luke 2:51)  Jesus was a great example to all of us as He grew up, honoring His father and mother.  Joseph disappears from the Bible narrative after Jesus was a young Man.  We presume he died before Jesus’ public ministry.  But he kept God’s commands, and raised His Son. 

While we don’t know a lot about Joseph, we do know he was righteous, and kept God’s commands.  He set a great example for us, bringing his adopted son up according to biblical principles.  God trusted Joseph to bring up His Son in a devout home.  And Joseph did just that! 

Worship:  “Joseph’s Song,” by Michael Card
Worship:  “Joseph’s Lullaby,” by MercyMe

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