Trust in God

When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You. In God, whose word I praise, In God I have put my trust; I shall not be afraid. What can mere man do to me? . . .  In God I have put my  trust, I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?  (Psalm 56:3-4, NASB)

David pens another psalm while he’s in exile as King Saul seeks to kill him.  Through the Prophet Samuel, Saul understands that David will succeed him as King of Israel.  Saul is trying to change destiny, but anytime we seek to go against God’s will, it won’t end well.  Psalm 56 is “Supplication for Deliverance and Grateful Trust in God.”  

David begins in the passage above by admitting that sometimes he’s afraid:  “When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You.”  It’s only human to be afraid.  The Bible is full of instances where people are told to have courage, or “be not afraid.”  But WHEN we’re afraid, David says we’re to put our trust in God.  The word “trust” is a synonym for “faith”.  So when we fear something or someone, God wants us to have faith in Him.  The result of this trust?  “I shall not be afraid.”

Psalm 56:4 What Can Mere Man Do To Me (sage)Psalm 56:4 image.  Found at Knowing Jesus

Next, David tells of the result of his bravery by trusting in God:  “What can mere man do to me?”  Jesus implied as much when He said that we shouldn’t fear men who can kill our bodies, but instead fear Him Who can kill our souls.  God has promised us that when we get to heaven, the splendor of that place will far outweigh all the tribulation and suffering we go through here on this earth.  

David sums up by restating:  “In God I have put my  trust, I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?”  These are words to live by.  We all have fear sometimes.  But David tells us the antidote to fear:  Trust in God!  Jan Catton has reminded me:  “No fear, only faith!”

Worship: “Whom Shall I Fear? (God of Angel Armies)” by Chris Tomlin

22 Replies to “Trust in God”

  1. One of the very first verses my Mama taught me and I have found it very useful. What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. Faith over fear.

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